Pitt schools gear up for new year: Open house Thursday; classes begin Monday | Local | reflector.com

2022-08-26 08:28:38 By : Ms. Kelly Li

Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 86F. Winds light and variable..

Some clouds. Low 69F. Winds light and variable.

Pitt County Schools is scheduled to welcome about 23,000 students back to more than three dozen campuses on Monday, more than three weeks after the district’s two early college high schools began classes for the fall semester.

Traditional public schools throughout the district are scheduled to host open house today to give students and their families a chance to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers for the upcoming school year.

Events will be held from 4-8 p.m. for elementary schools, 5-7:30 p.m. for K-8 and middle schools and 6-8:30 p.m. for high schools.

Here is a look at a few of the things that are new for the 2022-23 school year:

NEW PRINCIPALS: Look for new leaders at the helm of a half dozen schools. Michael Casey will begin his tenure as principal of Ayden Elementary School, Daniale Stancil will take over the position at Elmhurst Elementary and Lavetta Roundtree will serve as principal at W.H. Robinson Elementary.

Two principals will trade places as Diane Denham becomes principal of Falkland Elementary and Anthony Perkins assumes that role at Lakeforest Elementary. Wellcome Middle also has had an administrative change as Keith Neal has been named principal.

NEW PRICES: The price of a school lunch has been increased from $2.35 to $2.50. The costs of school breakfasts have gone from $1 to $1.25. The lunch increases are the first since the 2018-19 school year, when there was a price increase of 10 cents. Meals have been offered free to all students since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

For the coming school year, Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) will continue to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students at Ayden Elementary, Ayden Middle, Ayden-Grifton, Belvoir Elementary, Bethel, C.M. Eppes, E.B. Aycock, Falkland Elementary, Farmville Middle, Farmville Central, Grifton, H.B Sugg, Lakeforest, Northwest, North Pitt, Pactolus, PCS Early College, Sadie Saulter, Sam D. Bundy, South Greenville, Stokes, Wahl-Coates and Wellcome schools.

Families of students at schools not included in CEP must apply to be considered for free meals. Free and reduced-price lunch applications are available at www.pitt.k12.nc.us/Page/4680.

NEW PROTOCOL: COVID-19 will be treated much like other illnesses among students in the upcoming school year, without contact tracing, required quarantines due to exposure or weekly reports of cases on campus.

Students or staff members who test positive for COVID will be asked to remain home from school for five days and to wear a mask for five days after returning to school. Students and staff members do not have to be “cleared” by a physician to return to school following a diagnosis.

Optional COVID tests will remain available on campus. Masks are optional, continuing a policy adopted by the Board of Education in February.

NEW POLICY: A new dress code policy which took effect in the final weeks of the 2022 spring semester, no longer requires students to wear solid-color shirts with a collar.

Sleeves are still mandatory. The new dress code also allows ripped jeans as long as holes are not above the mid-thigh, which is the minimum length for shorts or skirts. Tops exposing the chest, back, torso and stomach are prohibited. Visit www.pitt.k12.nc.us/Page/7202.

NEW PROGRAM: Elmhurst Elementary School is beginning an optional full-immersion Spanish language program for kindergarten students. It becomes the fourth school in the district to offer dual language instruction.

NEW PLACE: A.G. Cox Middle School will open a new, two-story classroom addition. Work continues on the remaining $12 million construction and renovation project, which is expected to bring the school’s capacity from 800 to 950 students.

Contact Kim Grizzard at kgrizzard@reflector.com or call 329-9578.

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