WOODBRIDGE – A multiuse building with a jewelry store and office space is planned for an Iselin residential neighborhood.
Applicant Rams and Sons Properties Corp. is scheduled to appear before the Zoning Board of Adjustment at 6 p.m. Thursday to seek site plan, bulk and use variance approval for the development proposed at 106 Correja Ave.
The applicant is looking to build a 1,314-square-foot jewelry store on the first floor, a 1,480-square-foot office on the second floor and a 1,396-square-foot basement for mechanical equipment and storage, according to a public notice.
The project calls for the demolition of the existing house on the lot to construct the new two-story mixed-use building along with eight parking spaces, concrete walks, a retaining wall, curbing, fencing, lighting, landscaping and a 325-square-foot digital sign, the public notice says.
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The jewelry store and office uses are not permitted in the single-family residential zone.
Variances also are needed for the digital sign, minimum front yard setback on LaGuardia Avenue, minimum rear yard setback along Correja Avenue, landscaping coverage and off-street parking spaces.
Suzanne Russell is a breaking news reporter for MyCentralJersey.com covering crime, courts and other mayhem. To get unlimited access, please subscribe or activate your digital account today.